Why Have Your Plumbing System Inspected Each Year?

Many homeowners in Australia only call out a plumber to do work on their system when there is a particular problem that needs to be resolved. This might be a tap that you cannot turn off, for example, or a radiator which is not warming up properly. Of course, this may be a cost-effective way of proceeding if you do not need much work carried out over the course of a year. However, an annual inspection from a professional is often the least costly way to go of all. This is because minor faults can be picked up during an inspection before they get out of hand. By identifying potential problems at an early stage, you can end up saving lots of money. What sort of inspections can you expect a domestic plumbing services company to carry out? 

Pressure Regulation

One of the most important jobs that a plumbing services inspection will include is to regulate the water pressure into your home. Although water pressure varies greatly depending on how much is available in your nearest reservoir, many Australian homes have their water pressure set too high from the mains. When the public water pressure supply is at its highest, weak joints connecting pipes can start to leak, if your domestic system is not regulated correctly. In the worst cases, your pipes will burst and potentially flood your home with water.

Hot Water Checks

Annual inspections should also be carried out to make sure that your hot water system is working correctly. This will include a maintenance check on your boiler as well as your hot water storage cylinder. Both need to run at a high enough temperature to make sure that nasty microbes do not build up in the hot water supply. That said, you do not want them so hot that you get scolded every time you turn the hot tap on. Boiler checks should also be carried out to ensure that noxious gases, such as carbon monoxide, are not present.

Insulation Inspections

Pipe insulation is another important job that your local plumbing company should be inspecting for you. Exposed pipes can crack in winter, especially if the temperature gets so low that ice forms inside. Equally, all of your hot water pipes should be insulated in order to prevent losses from the system. By checking on this, you can help to reduce your utility bills and improve your home's carbon footprint.

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About Me

Paula's Plumbing Blog Hello! My name is Paula and on this blog, I will be taking you on a fascinating journey through the world of plumbing. Not many people like to think about plumbing as it can seem like a very dry and boring subject. I used to think plumbing was really dull. However, once I got talking to a plumbing contractor who had called around to fit a new tap, I discovered that plumbing is, in fact, a quite fascinating subject. Since then, I have done all I can to learn as much as possible about the plumbing industry. I hope you find what I have written here useful.



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